Hello friend,
I am a Homoeopath and will answer your question accordingly.
There are very good medicines in Homoeopathy for injuries. For the
sprain of ankles, the best medicines we prescribe are Ledum, Ruta, Rhus tox, Strontium carb, etc. If the pain at the ankle is still there you can approach an expert Homoeopath who will take the case of your son in detail and select the right remedy. Because the selection of the suitable remedy for your son's condition depends on several other constitutional factors and the peculiar characteristic features he shows now. They are not included in your question.
His pain on his toe is due to some punctured wound for which also there are very effective medicines in Homoeopathy. Ledum, Nitric acid, Apis, Hypericum, silicea, Hep. sulph, Lachesis etc are remedies for such punctured wounds. Here also the selection of the suitable remedy is based on several other constitutional features. Only an expert Homoeopath can prescribe the correct remedy. If rightly chosen, the pain, swelling,
disability etc will be relieved at the earliest.
My best wishes for an early recovery with the safe, simple and scientific medicines of the new system of Homoeopathy
Dr. C. J. Varghese