I have had two bouts of what appears to be septic arthritis in the past 12 months. I believe I have psoriatic arthritis (red patches on my skin, a chronic sore in my nose, nail ridges, and joint pain.) I am 57 years old, female, full time yoga teacher. This septic arthritis attack comes on suddenly--chills, fever, extreme joint pain in several joints. First time it was mostly my hips, this last time mostly my knees. Antibiotics have made the symptoms go completely away in 12 hours and I am back to teaching yoga. My question is: why is this happening? I eat healthy, I am NOT sexually active and have not been for several years, I wash my hands frequently, and rarely ever get sick. I have never tested positive for any STD s, however, my ex-husband however, had a history of anklylosing spondilitis.