Hello, mslora710,
I am assuming that your mother is probably over 45-50 yrs. of age.
17 years of recurrent GI bleeds with no diagnosis is not acceptable
at this day and age. awe do have a lot of tests now that we did not
have a short few years ago. I am sure your mother has had several
upper endoscopies to check for bleeding sources and also has had
few colonoscopies by experts.Unless the bleeding is active at the
time of exam , it is possible to miss the source.
Some of the most common causes are abnormal blood vessels
Angiodysplasia which can be present any where in the entire
gastro-intestinal tract .The bleeding scans, angiograms, injecting the dye
into the blood vessel may find the site of bleeding.
Latest technology is the "
Capsule Endoscopy " where a person swallows
a capsule which has photographic capabilities and a transmitter which
can capture hundreds of pictures which are downloaded to a computer
and analyzed.
There are some limitations as well with this procedure and some
Som of the other conditions diagnosed with this include Crohn's
disease, small bowel tumors including cancer and lymphomas.
Hope you can discuss this with your doctor.
Wish her well.