Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety.
The stomach, intestines and digestive glands secrete hydrochloric acid and various enzymes, including
pepsin that the break down and digest food.
Ulcers also occur as a result of over secretion of acid.
Identifying and avoiding the causative factors are essential in the treatment of acidity.
A suitable diet must be strictly followed avoiding spicy, salt, non-vegetarian and acidic foods.
Smoking and alcohol comsumption must be stopped.
Those with highly nervous and emotional disposition and those involved in high-
stress jobs must be encouraged to take lifestyle modifying measures.
In Ayurveda,
It is often reffered ta as AMALPITTA in Ayurveda. Ama [toxic], Pitta [bile] is the main acidic perpetrator.
1. You can go for Coriander seeds and Aniseed to get instant relief from acidity.
2. Raw garlic is the arch enemy of acidity and good friend of
cholesterol and BP.
3. Consuming butter-milk mixed with a little of black pepper powder.