Should she go to the hospital?
Patient is female, 36 years old
Borderline Personality Disorder - taking antipsychotic, antidepressants, antianxiety;
RLS - taking magnesium potassium aspartate;
hypothyroidism - taking levothyroxin;
chronic migraines - narcotic medications prescribed but non taken today;
gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance - affects diet and doesn't like to eat much, has had breakfast and only blueberries for lunch.
SYMPTOMS: after getting home from work and driving in hot weather:
said she feels like passing out, this morning she felt like she didn't get much sleep;
wobbly on her feet;
since saying she feels like passing out, she hasn't been able to formulate intelligible speech, the words come out jumbled vowels and consonants, garbled sounds;
she wrote down these:
muscle spasms,
blood all in head,
pass out,
shallow breathing,
chest hurts a little,
spotty vision.
MY QUESTION does she need rest the ER?