Hi there! I m a 15 year old girl having severe headaches. These have been going on for about 3 weeks straight. My family physician has recommended OTC medicines like Ibprofen, Tylenol, Excedrin , Advil, sinus headache pills and drugstore tension headache pills. Those did not help and my doctor started me on Fioricet . Those haven t helped either. 6 days ago he gave me 2 shots in the hip that should ve knocked my current headache out. Well those didn t help and then he said to take 1 Imitrex and another 2 hours later if the headache will not go away. These haven t helped either. He has now recommended me to a pediatric neurologist. My pain is constant in the right side of my head, to the back of my head, into my neck. My neck is very stiff and sore to the touch like a bruise. I m very dizzy when I make quick movements. Also I m sweating a lot in my sleep and it is hard to fall asleep. What are the possible things the neurologist will say this is and what will he/she do for my headaches and pain? Thank you!