Hello... I m 23 years old... have three children already... for the past month or so I have been having every pregnancy symptom you could think of... but I didn t think nothing of it until I missed my period & today I m two weeks late. I ve taken 3 hpt in the past couple of weeks but they all have been negative. I have also been experiencing a lot of pain and pressure in my pelvic area. Today my husband and I tried to have intercourse but I was afraid that it would hurt due to the pain that I ve been in. Sure enough we had to stop because I had the worst pain in my life; I never had pain like that in all three of my previous labor! I had extreme sharp pain and pressure in my pelvic area, I could barely move. My husband helped me to the shower were I could only sit because it hurt too bad to stand and I let the hot water fall on me to try and ease the pain. The pain wa so bad that I threw up in the shower. When I got done, I set on the toilet because of all the pressure and it sorta felt like something was going to fall out of me. I ended up having to get my husband to help me to the bed so that I could lay down because the pain was so unbearable that I turned pale and cold and I was sure that I was going to past out, but never did, thank God. That was this morning and for the rest of the day I have been resting in bed and taking Motrin. I only feel a little pain while I m laying down but when I get up, I get the pressure in my pelvis area and I get so dizzy and lightheaded. What could this possibly be? I plan on seeing my doctor but I have to wait until after the holidays. I also have the Mirena IUD . Thank you for your help!