Hi my name is Karen, i turned 51 just 2 weeks ago! In July 2004, i had a work related injury where i went air born off a flight of stairs! To which it caused me to come crashing down on the stairs, hitting my back in two(2) places before coming too a stop! I landed on the 3rd stair 1st, hitting my right butt check(2-3inches from my tail bone)damaging my S.nerve, which my upper body flung right back causing me to take another stair right under my right shoulder blade! I didnt break one bone, i was just badly bruised so i thought and so did my employer! I was put on modified hours until there was medical proof that something was diffently wrong in my lower/upper back! I had a MRI in March 2005 then i seen a Neuro surguan on May11 2005, for him too tell me that i need surgury&his reasoning for do it!! So i sat their by myself for a few minutes too take this all in and i had too make a big dession at that time all by myself it was hard to do! But i ended up signing the papers to go ahead & proceed with the surgury, when i asked the doctor when l would be going to have surgury he said maybe in two months or so as he could not give me a date at the time of my appointment!! I then STOOD UP said thank you too the Doctor and that i will see him when the day comes for me to have surgury or before if need be!! The Doctor said yes to my last comment that is when i knew my appointment was done so i WALKED OUT of his office&went home. I stopped work fully on May 13 2005, by my family Doctor until i had my surgury on my back, I woke up on May 27 shortly after 7a.m.but how my body was feeling at the time!my mind then told me that i was still sleeping&that i was just dreaming!!!!YA RIGHT, i was DREAMING!!!!As they say,"DREAMS DO COME TRUE", l woke up fully when i went too roll over in my bed and only my upper body from the waist up seemed to beable too move or have any feeling it!! I layed myself back down on to my back and pulled the blankets off myself,with my left hand side being on the edge of the bed(me being LH)i quitley i hit myself in my left leg and felt nothing! Now l am fully awake&starting too get alittle scared, i would like too say that i am sorry for what l am about to say too you, as l get alittle bit embrassed talking about it!! Well here l go i layed back down &put my hand into my p.j.bottoms to grab my privates felt nothing, i also grab a handful of hair&pulled up and felt nothing except for my hair against the palm of my hand from holding on to my privates at the time!!! Then i took one of my hands(can"t remember at his time which one i used)! I was able to get my hand partly under one of my butt cheeks to discover by feeling my p.j."S(with my hand)they were wet, i pinched myself& felt nothing!! I then pulled myself up on the bed to put me into a sitting position on the bed, and i as was doing this my pj bottoms just happened to came off in the prossess of me trying too sit up on the bed!! Now that l am sitting up l reached forward to grab my pajamies,Before i was able to look at my pj"s fully, i was 50% sure that the wetness that i felt the 1st time with my hand is that i had a accident in my sleep(I PISSED MYSELF)!! Oh boy was i right about that but to my surprise i had also lost control of my bowels through-out the night as well!!!! I was going to get out of bed to clean myself up&the bed but my legs would not swing out of the bed, i would have to lift my legs out of the bed myself if i wanted to get up and out of the bed! I started to scream,cry&yell for help! l was taken to the hospitial where i had my C4 and C6 both removed &replaced with surgical metal and their is a small hole in my thoraic spine from T5-T11.i was walking after the surgury 2005 up until recently.At this time i am unable to walk without using any assitance to get around,i am not able to walk up or down stairs,i can not stand still without losing my balance,trouble lifting my legs/feet up high enough to get into/out of the tub or when i am trying to walk!! On Feb 6th 2013 my girl friend and myself were in a car accident to which we were rearend while we were in a complete stop, i had my seatbeat on& i was slightly leaning forward at the time. Not soon after that my lower back&S.nerve started to act up, i was going to physcio but i stopped going and got my own tens machine for at home(drive in the car is too long for me to sit)!! On May 15th 2013 i had a Dr."s appointment to which i WALKED into on my own 2 feet with no one help from no one or any kind of walking aid!!!! Besides being a normal monthly Doctor's app.i felt normal as usual, except i knew that i had a nasel infection the week before, i called to ask for something to be called in for me to the pharmacy(a antibiotic)and l also told him that my lower back& my S-nerve were causing me alot of pain when i try too walk or try and do a flight of stairs!!!! In order for me to go up a flight of stairs(hand free)&the safest is on my hand&knees(can't raise my legs/ feet that high enough) or weight bare on it at all even using the handrail to try and get up very PAINFUL for me too do!!! The only way l came make it down the stairs in one piece is come down on my bum one stair at a time! Then just 2 days later after the doctors i woke up one day to where l could not walk without having assitance what so ever,stand up straight,weight bearing what so ever,feels like tremours thoughout my body at the time,i go into spasems if i stay in the same postion for a period of time without moving! I have been mostly bed ridden for almost 3wls now, PLZ help find me a Doctor that may beable to help me with the pain that i am going through at this time in my life! I hope to hear back from you soon!!! KAREN "A woman in pain"