Dear Doctor, I am 59 years old, Male, living in TamilNadu, India, with good health and I am a teetotaler. At the age of 35 my problem started with palpitation and I scared all the time whenever I get the palpitation. I went to a lot of Cardiologists and all of them told me I am in good health and suggested to take some BP pills also told me that I don t have any heart problems. Finally one of the doctor told me better to consult a Psychiatrist . So finally I went to a Psychiatrist and he found that I am getting Panic whenever the palpitation come.So at the age of 42 I start take pills for the panic disorder like Clozopam 5mg only at bed time. Also He gave me Lonozep MD .5 mg (Clozopam)to keep on the tongue when I get sudden panic attack for any reason. Now I am completely normal and I was reduced the dosage of the above medicines Naze .5 mg and Lonozep MD as usual .5 mg and till date I am taking the above said medicines. In the mean time some seven years back I got missing pulses and I consulted one Cardiologist and he advised me to take Concor 2.5 mg everyday. Now I am ok with that medicines. Alternative days I will do brisk walk and taking non veg occasionally. Also till date I am a teetotaler. One more thing, having sex twice some time thrice in a month. Every two month I am visiting the Psychiatrist to get the medicines. Last Month when I visited, after checking he prescribed a new medicine Nexito 5 mg( Escitalopram ) and advised me to take daily in the morning. As usual I checked about the medicine in the google search I found it will cause high side effects. I am so upset and I hesitate to ask the doctor why he suddenly prescribe the medicine now at the age of 59. Thats why I writing here for a good reply from you. Please advice. Thanks & Regards Thiagu Email ID : YYYY@YYYY