I have been with the same boyfriend for 8 months. He has been my only sexual partner. In the past months, at various scattered times, we have had sex 3 times, and I have had oral sex with him at least 4 or 5 times. The last time we had sex (oral and vaginal) was about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Just in the past 3 days, I have aquired a sore throat. It's sore in the morning a bit and at night, and is red. During the day, however, my throat isnt very bothersome. Today, I went to the doctor's office (not seeing my family physician) and I thought I had strep. The doctor tested for strep, and the test came back negative. The doctor examined my throat and asked maybe about 10 questions, and said that she thinks I have oral gonorrhea. The other times my boyfriend and I had sex (vaginal and oral) I experienced no signs of a sore throat or any symptoms of vaginal gonorrhea. And as of right now, I am experiencing no odd vaginal discharge or any symptoms of vaginal gonorrhea. My boyfriend had told me he was STD free, and I was STD free also. My doctor had me get lab work done today and a urine test, but the results wont be in until Friday. Then I have a follow-up appointment. The doctor strongly believed that I have a case of oral gonorrhea, but I dont have any vaginal symptoms of it. Could I have it?