Hi, I am Monica Gorde 29years old and I have thyroid. I had a recent thyroid check of T3, T4 & TSH, in which my reports indicates below:-
T3 :- 137.80 (observed value) NORMAL RANGE :- 58-160ng/dl
T4 :- 9.7 (observed value) NORMAL RANGE :- 4.87- 11.72 ug/dl
TSH :- 10.27 (observed value) NORMAL RANGE :- 0.2- 5 uiu/ml
I am putting on more and more weight, current my weight is 76kg & height is 5.4 FT, pls help me I want to get rid of this tyroid
I don't want to undergo any thype of surgery but want it to be cured naturally, is there any solutions ?