Hi, I had a herniated disc and required surgery. I was put on 1 or 2, 4 mg tablets of Dilaudid every 4 hrs since approx mid june, as well as 300 mg of Lirica. My surgery was 26 Sept, and I have been trying to get off these drugs, I had bad withdrawal from the dilaudid and went back on it and cut down the dose in half, then quarters for a few days, then stopped all together. I have been having terrible night sweats , soaking the bedding, towels etc. I have cold chills, body aches, abdominal cramps and now have a rash on my trunk and arms. I am extremely tired, anxious, and have aches etc all over. (like the flu ). I am feeling anxious alot of the time, toss and turn all night (when im not soaking with sweat). I have restless legs all night and think my hearts pounding or I am having a panic attack at times. Is this withdrawal? How long will it last? and - could it be something else? I have had routine blood work done, and testosterone checked - My Dr was supposed to call if the tests showed anything. This is killing me - I cant function, getting extremely depressed and I am supposed to return to work in less than 2 weeks.... help me... Jerry