Hello, My name is Raghavendrachar, I am 51 yrs. I have been under sever stress for the last 6 months. I have been taking Tripride 2mg for last 3 years. Initially, sugar levels were high and after takng Tripride 2mg at different dosage as suggested by a Diabitologist, it came down then 1/2 tab per day in the night was prescribed. My Sugar levels used to be under control. Recently when i was loosing weight and became lean without any excercises, I got Sugar and other tests done. Result is Fasting blood 221, urine ++ (0.50%), Post Lunch Blood sugar 267 HBA1c 12.5, HDL 40, LDL 76, VLDL 34 Trig (TGL) 168, Liver Function test is OK. Should I increase the dosage to 1 tablet a day ofr go for some tests and start Insuline. Today random sug is 295.