Hello, I am wondering whether or not I have a sinus infection, since I have very important exams this week and I want to get better fast. 8 days ago I was out in the cold with only a t shirt for a period of time, I then got a normal cold for a few days, slightly runny nose, sore throat, then after about 5 days of that the cough got a lot worse. Then during the weekend, the cough got a bit better but my nose became very stuffed all the time, at all times one nostril would be completely blocked and blowing my nose would not clear it at all so I took some menthol nose spray, which helped. After a few days of this (yesterday evening) I noticed as I went to sleep, I could feel my heartbeat in my head (back of the head mostly and ears) as I was lying down. The next morning I had lots of headache in my forehead area but only for a short while (30 minutes) . I then sat a 4 hour exam, during that my nose was just extremely stuffy and runny, no other symptoms really. Then when I got home I got a pretty bad headache and my teeth (lower teeth too) started aching quite a lot, basically my whole head was aching, I then took a painkiller and drank some tea so the pain went away, but still when I sit down I can feel my pulse in the back of my head, not a lot but I can still feel it. I m wondering if I have a sinus infection, if so how can I get better fast, its crucial as I have lots of more exams coming up. Thank you in advance