Bear in mind, our bodies naturally store excess calories as fat for a period of famine which our historic forefathers usually experienced.
In order to lose weight, one or all of these factors below must be employed.
To encourage the first factor, buy more vegetables and unprocessed food at the supermarket. Visit fast-food stores less and eat at home. Drink more water and LESS SWEET DRINK.
One means of increasing your metabolism (even after 40) is to increase the percentage of muscles in the body. Do push-ups and lift weights for 15 mins each day. Hard Muscles burn stored fats faster than other body tissue.
A brisk walk about twice per week for one hour each will make you feel better and you will meet new people too.
A herb which affects all the factors above is Ganoderma Lucidum mixed with Gourmet Coffee. The coffee is likely to reduce the appetite of the average person, thus causing less eating. Ganoderma increases oxygen levels in the blood and improves circulation. This causes increased metabolism.
The additional energy causes the person to want to work and exercise more. All these factors ultimately lead to weight loss. This is a good habit to keep.
Ganoderma Beverages and Nutraceuticals are available at:
Hi.... Weight reduction trust me does not happen over night. It is a slow and gradual process... It needs hard work and a lot of motivational skills.. Exercise is the best option among all the options.. Follow up with weight reducing diet.. Medical treatment with drugs will have side effects. You can try avurveda instead... Any form of treatment will take time for the effects to come. Hence motivation is the key to success in weight reduction...