I have a enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck, I first noticed it about a year ago, I also had one that came up on the back of my head, behind my ear on the right side as well. I went to the doctor and they said it was because of an infection/virus and that it would go down. up until that point I had been perfectly fine with no infections/viruses. the one behind my ear did go down but the one in my neck has stayed and got slightly bigger. I went to the doctors again after having the lump for about 6 moths and was told again that it was nothing and it would go down. I then started to get migraines after going on the contraceptive pill, and feeling generally unwell/tired, so i stopped taking the pill and went back to the doctors, they did some blood tests as my doctor though it might be glandular fever, but these all came back fine. I still have to lump, it aches from time to time and I still get migraines, usually around my period, which can last for days. recently I've also been getting pain/aching in the colar bone region of my neck upwards, especially on my left side, there doesnt seem to be any more lumps though. if that makes sense? should i be worried?