36 year old male, 77kg. History of GIT problems (acidity), quit smoking 6 years ago (was a heavy smoker). Oily skin on face, dry skin on body. Question is about moles on skin. He has three moles, 2 on shoulder and 1 on lateral side of hip and a hard slight process (could be a mole but colorless) appeared on chest skin 5 months ago. The moles on shoulder and hip are as large as a fingernail and greenish. Doesn't remember if it was always this color but seems to remember them getting slightly bigger. In the past yr seem to be the same size. The appearance of the round hardened skin process (as a I push it feels like a very slim, round pebble) worries me. I advised him this needs a checkup but he doesn't think the situation is serious. I want to convince him to go see a doctor but not scare him.