What is wrong with my heart? I have palpatations and have had 2 abormal EKGs but normal echocardiogram ...? I m 21 years old, and am in what I consider good health. I have smoked though for about 2 years, but I dont think that is what is causing my problem... I started having palpitations when I was 16. I had an EKG which showed an abnormal reading, so I had an echocardiogram, which was normal. My doctor tried assuring me that if anything were wrong with my heart, they would have found it, and that the cause of my palpatations was benign. Last spring, I had surgery for my ankle and they did a EKG b/c of my history, and again it was abnormal. Now 21, I still have palpitations like I did when I was younger. My heart probably beats irreguarly 1-100 times a day (stress makes it worse) and has had me concerned now for 5 years. What do you think this means? I feel if I go back to the doctor, a second echo will be done and will be fine, and they will tell me nothing. Is this just a benign thing that I may have for the rest of my life, or is this potentially something thats going to kill me one day?