Are the bumps painful or painless?
White bumps on tongue tip can be due variety of reasons. It could be due to
oral thrush, canker sore,
leukoplakia, milk spot etc. It need to be examined by doctor. Though most common cases resolves spontaneously, some may need treatments according to etiology. A good
oral hygiene can prevent such things.
Regarding her
constipation, let her drink sufficient water and fluids (fruit juices, soup etc).
Dehydration may cause constipation. Her diet should contain sufficient dietary fibers. Give her more fiber rich foods (vegetables, fruits, whole wheat bread, cereals, whole grains, bran etc), and remove low fiber foods (banana, white bread, refined grains, dairy products, meat etc). Milk contains no fiber and may cause constipation in some children; limit milk intake to 2-3 small glass(50ml) everyday. Make her a habit of daily bowel passage. Proper hydration, dietary management and good bowel habit can relieve most cases of constipation. If constipation still persists, get her examined by doctor . She may need laxative medicines.
Low appetite may be due to her reaction to taste of foods. Try to change the food taste as she likes. This could happen during diet transition phase. Was she on casein (dairy protein) free formula? If so, it can be due to milk
protein allergy. Keep her off milk in that case.
If the problems persist or increase, or you feel anything abnormal with your child, visit your