I have studied your case,
It may not be related to plantar fascitis.
I would like to keep possibility of gout first as per your history and symptoms.
In gout there is accumulation of uric acid crystals in joint mainly foot. This leads to swelling and redness in foot.
Another differential can be nerve compression leading to
tingling and swelling.
Bunion may lead to nerve compression due stretching of tissue but extent of
numbness will be less, nerve compression can be due to spinal disc bulge, you may need clinical examination to rule out causes.
I will advise to do blood inv like
complete blood count ,uric acid level, if required EMG –NCV[ nerve study]
Till time take
analgesic and neurotropic like
If gout is confirmed you may need medicine accordingly and diet restriction.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.
Take care