Hello, I am female and 14 years old. I weigh 8.8 stone and am 5'ft'5. I have very irregular periods, often skipping a few months, and coming on heavy and then skipping 4 months or so and being light.
I have a mixture of problems. The first is-when I get a period the pain is unbearable. I can often be found, crying, bent over and sweating badly, paracetamol and ibuprofen is no help. I have under-reactive thyroid glands and anemia and I am a vegetarian but am on Ferrous Sulphate and Levothyroxine medication which I started about 7-8 months ago.
The main problem is that I have had really bad diarrhea for about two months now. It is bad coming little and often and my anus burns badly, and before I can relieve myself-I get an unbearable stomach cramp that cannot be relieved until I can go to the toilet. I finished my period two days ago and since the diarrhea started-my periods have been regular. My acne is also getting worse, that may be a side-effect.