i was hit in the head with a softball 5 days ago. I went to the ER and they did a cat scan on me and said everything looked good other than a mild concussion. I have 6 staples in my head and i have started to feel a little dizzie when looking up or down. I have read my release papers from the ER and it says i could be dizzy but it doesnt say from looking up or down or how long this will last. I go back in 5 days to get my staples out but im not sure if i need to go back before. Is this normal? I am a 42 years old female, 130 lbs and 5'2".
Dizziness is common in patients with head injury. Usually if the CT scan is normal ( i.e any internal bleed has been ruled out ) then all you have to do is look for symptoms of loss of consciousness, seizures, vomiting within 48 hours of the injury. So if you dont have any of these symptoms then no CT scan has to be repeated.