Hi, I am a teenaged girl ,and I have just recently (yesterday) lost my virginity to my boyfriend of 13 months. We did not use a condom but neither one of us got to "finish" because I received a call from my mother to come home because it was getting dark out and she's a bit worry-some. Anyway, today I noticed light vaginal discharge spotting, which of course is normal, however, it had a bit of blood mixed in it. I did not detect any strange odors from it ,and I am NOT experiencing any itching so I do not think it is a yeast infection. My period is not suppose to start for a whole week! Is this normal?
ps: Both my boyfriend and I were virgins, and neither one of us have ever had any form of any type of STD/STI. Jacob (my boyfriend) does, however, have a rather low immune system.
pps: I do suffer from allergies, ADHD, and minor bipolar. I currently am taking over the counter drugs for my allergies and am taking ADHD medication. Jacob also suffers from ADHD but unlike mine, his is minor. He does suffer, also, from sleep apnea and occasional mood swings.
please help.