About 5 days ago I started getting a tickle in my throat, which turned very itchy & scratch. A cough and loss of voice has accompanied it. I have not had any fever, runny nose, shortness of breath or fatigue. My throat can feel sore at times, sometimes it fees really bad like it is on fire. I started taking claritin on day 4 and it seems to help a bit. I actuall woke up today (on day 6) feeling a bit better but noticed when I coughed some stuff came up and it is bright yellow. I am set to travel on airplane in 6 days from now. So iam a bit worried if I should go to the doctor. If i was not travelling I would probably ride it out but the bright yellow mucus alarmed me. Alot of people in my area do seem to be having allergie issues. I occasionally have bouts with them . Could this be it?