Dear Concerned.,
Thanks for writing to us.
Whether you smoke cigarretes/beedis/pipe/hookah , the
effects of smoking are the same. The harmful chemicals present in cigarette/hookah effect all the systems from head to toe(
Cerebrovascular Disease to Burger's Disease(dry gangrene of toes).
In your instant case the parietal cells of the stomach required to produce
intrinsic factor and Hcl (Hydrochloric Acid) necessary for appetite, digestion, disinfection of food in stomach and absorption of
Vitamins and minerals have been destroyed causing
Achlorhydria.Achlorhydria development will eventually produce Carcinoma of Stomach.
There could be concomitant liver pathology leading to loss of appetite ,nausea etc., Pls get LFTs also done. Sometimes due to spread of stomach lesion to Liver//any kind of Liver pathology leads to loss of appetite/nausea which is of gradual onset.
Now as a First Step, quit Smoking. Take the help of Self Help groups//Develop will power to stop smoking.The lost appetite will return to normal on taking nutritious diet/vitamins/mineral suuppliments /plenty of oral fluids.
With the above measures if the condition does not return to normalcy in a week's time., Pls
consult a Gastroenterologist for an Upper GE
Endoscopy and Biopsy (HPE)to rule out any chances of malignancy.
The very first symptom of Ca Stomach is loss of appetite and vomitting.
Wishing you a healthy and happy life.,
Best Regards.,
Dr Lt Cdr ASN Bhushan.,