I recently had a MRI and would like to know what this means in Laymans terms. Impression: 1.Postsurgical changes on the left at L#-4, with small left paracentral disc protrusion at this level which is unchanged since 10/31/2006. 2.Moderate degenerative changes throughout the lumbar spine , with broad-based left paracentral/foraminal disc protrusion at L1-2, Canal stenosis is moderate at L1-2 and mild -to-moderate at L2-3, with multi-level foraminal narrowing which is moderate-to-severe on the right at L2-3. 3. Moderate-to-severe canal stenosisat T7-8 with effacement of the CSF surrounding the cord. 4. Evidence od risidual and recurrent disc herniation L3, L4 & L5. 5. Stable filum lipoma without evidence ot tethered cord. 6. Stigmata of prior left min-hemilaminectomy and disentomb at L3, L4 & L5 I had surgery in 1993 and the Surgeon said that during the surgery a piece of disc broke off so they had to retrieve it. In doing this it may have caused some damage and he will not know for about a year, so check back with him. He is conserned about arachnoiditis ?? Thank You!!!! YYYY@YYYY .