For the past month I have felt terrible, I thought it was my normal seasonal allergies, but even my allegry, zyrtec, and mucinexDM are not helping to relieve these issues. The symptoms are as follows: thick blobs of mucus running down back of throat (without being able to blow it out of my nose) with a bubbley type saliva surrounding it, headaches , instances of extremely hot body temp (not feverish, just I get hot and sweat), extremely soar throat accompanied by coughing (I expect due to the excessive mucus), sloughing of the mouth every morning and after brushing my teeth and mouth (which I now find myself doing 4 times a day due to the gross taste and feeling left over by these above symptoms), I have gained approximately 12lbs, and have had a VERY thick vaginal discharge that only precedes my cycle monthly, my cycle has been thrown off by about 2 weeks (I do not know if this is related). I am a 24 year old, white female with normal seasonal allergies, I am not pregnant, I have had four children (one C-section, and twins born via VBAC ), I at one point had an IUD (which had to be surgically removed)... that is about all that I can think of that may be related. Thank you in advance.