i am refering analysis of a girl 8 months age.
she is quite active, no pale skin.
she had viral infection with temperature of 39.7c.
in the hospital , they made blood analysis, and it showed she she had hg=80, rbc= 3, and wbc= 4.1 with platelets of 140.000
the second day, ultrasound was made and every thing is normal except for slight increasing in the size of the spleen.
after 3 days of this first blood analysis, we made another blood analysis and it showed that hemoglobin went upwards from 80 to 92, whichis good, and wbc from 4.1 to 6.2, and platelets from 140.000 to 184.000 and also rbc from 3 to 3.7.
another analysis done was that the fraction albumin is 66%(normal 53-63) and fraction gamma globulin is 11%(normal 14.5-19.5).
with also a dcreased iron level as 6.04(normal 7.2-18)