Last week, I had a drug test because my doctor thinks that I m looking for pain meds for my Cluster headaches, and I failed. It showed oxycodone , or oxycontin in my system when all I have ever taken is tylenol 1 s for my pain. No doctor seems to believe me about the headaches... Anyways, he prescribed me amitryptiline and I took them as well before the test(not taking them anymore as they are useless for clusters) but now I have to fight to prove that I m not an addict when those are the only drugs I have ingested(I do smoke marijuana as well, and it DOES help with the pain of clusters, and frequency). All I ever wanted from this guy was a referral to a headache clinic, and to start to get my life back on track after suffering for 19yrs, and only being diagnosed in the emergency room last year by an amazingly knowledgeable nurse. Question is: Can these 3 substances in any combination come back as a positive for opiates, and more specifically the Oxy-type drugs?