My husband was just diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. However, he does not fit the classic profile since he is a white male and is 78 years old. Every test under the sun has been given. He was first diagnosed with Viral Meningitis back in June. He would seem to be improving and then night sweats and fever would recur. Hospitalized in October and more test being a bone marrow test. It was normal except for a spike in the serum protein electrophoresis. Last Friday he lost vision in his left eye due to inflammation on optic nerve. Happened quickly. His lungs are not affected. Since he is definitely not a female of 20-40 years old, and his race is White, the question is, "Are older men affected too? How could he have contracted this strange illness? He is now being treated with steroids....mega does for three days and now down to 40 since we are home (20 mg twice daily) for a while.
Thanks, Charlene Ray