I will suggest that further investigations and proper clinical evaluations should be performed in order to rule out any chronic underlying diseases condition such as
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, neoplasia, autoimmune diseases etc which could have lead to the problems you are presenting with. Arthritis could be treated with antibiotics and antiinflammatory. some test could be done to rule out gout, staphylocci infection,
rheumatic diseases etc e.g ASLO, uric acid levels,
Rheumatoid factor before engaging on antibiotics.
As for the
peripheral neuropathy, depending on your age, there would likely be an underlying cause as idiopathic causes are often rare. The cause could be
vitamin B deficiency which could be treated with vitamin b-complex supplements.
MRI could be helpful, but your clinician needs to be able to determine specifically what he/she would be looking for.
As for the other presenting symptoms i.e headache, dizziness/vertigo, numbness those could be handled symptomatically by taking acetaminophen, vasterel/vascor or finding the cause and treating as they are presenting because of an underlying diseases.
Hope this helps you with your problems