Thanks for the query.
Intra uterine
contraceptive devices can present with side effects like intermenstrual spotting, prolonged bleeding, pain abdomen etc.
But after few months these symptoms will subside soon.
And the woman usually will get accustomed to the device.
For more details : http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/144770-Barrier-contraceptives-intra-uterine.aspx
So, possibly your symptoms may subside soon.
If the bleeding persists, better to rule out other causes of
menorrhagia like uterine fibroids, endometrial abnormalities,
hormonal imbalance,
thyroid abnormalities etc.
If the IUCD is found to be the cause, with your doctor's advice you can take antispasmodics to decrease pain, anti - fibrinolytic drugs to control bleeding.
If needed for few weeks you can use additional dose of hormones to control bleeding.
If the bleeding still persist better to change the method of
Take care.