Hello, I'm 26 years old, female, I've been feeling pain to my ovaries for the last couples of days, today is even worse, barely bearable, though it comes and goes. According to my period calendar I should be ovulating these days, I've felt pain before but never so intense. I'm not on the pill and I haven't had any sexual intercourse in the last month. My last period began on september 12th, it was 16 days late but that is not unusual to me, in 12 years I've never had regular periods, except when I've tried the pill but the hormones caused me too many side effects. I'm having normal ovulation leaks, nothing more, no blood leaks, no fever, nothing. Should I be worried or is it all just normal? I've had frozen feet all day long and also yesterday 'cause I wasn't wearing shoes that were thick enough, maybe it's only that. Thank you.