Dear Miranda,
Welcome to HCM and thanks for posting your query here. The problems you are saying about seems to be upper
respiratory tract infection which includes
sore throat, fever, runny nose, and cough and some times swelling of tonsillar glands.
Swelling of glands is the causative factor for your ear pain. It could be ASOM which is Acute Suppurative
Otitis Media. Pain in the ear could be because of blockage in the eustachian tube. This results in the congestion of your ear drum.
Use of antibiotic eardrops will ease the pain in the ear. To reduce cough you can go with mucolytic cough syrup which will reduce the formation of thick sputum. This will help you from painful cough.
Antihistamines are also useful in managing cough and runny nose. Pain killers like
paracetamol and diclofenac can be used to relieve the pain and as well as to reduce the inflammation.
If still the pain persists make an appointment with
ENT specialist. He will examine the ear drum and ear canal, and the throat and will make exact diagnosis.
Hope this is helpful to you