Hi, I have a 25+ year old harrington rod spinal fusion, I have chronic pain in my back, hips that radiates into my legs, feet and toes with numbness in my toes. I was reading through my MRI report and it says that I have partial sacralization of L5 which has a large left lateral mass. It also says that I have a benign hemangioma in L4 vertebral body and that the disc space narrowing at L5-S1. I was quite surprised upon reading this as my rheumatologist never mentioned anything about the hemangioma, or the sacralization and basically told me that everything was normal and has no correlation to my horrific pain that gives me agonizing pain and difficulty walking or performing any normal daily activities. I am very confused as to how to understand why he would not have mentioned to me about the hemangioma in particular as it seems like this could have a direct link to the problems I have?