You might be having hematuria(red blood cells in the urine). What is your age?
Sometimes blood in the urine is a sign of a serious problem in the
urinary tract, while other times it is not serious and requires no treatment. Only after a thorough evaluation by a health-care provider should blood in the urine be attributed to a non-serious cause.Blood in the urine can come from any condition that results in infection, inflammation, or injury to the
urinary system. The most common causes in people younger than 40 years of age are kidney stones or urinary tract infections. These may also cause hematuria in older people, but cancers of the kidney, bladder, and
prostate become a more common concern in people older than 40 years of age. The other causes includes Blood clotting disorders , antibiotics (for example,
rifampin [Rifadin]), analgesics such as aspirin,
sickle cell anemia,Strenuous exercise,Foods: beets, berries, and rhubarb in large amounts ...
So get an physical examination done at the earliest...