Hi, My name is Lana. I am 30 years old. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with my second child, EDD: 3/23/13. I gave birth to my son in June 2010 via emergency C-section secondary to PROM, polyhydromniosis, and head being very high when doctor broke water. I currently want to attempt a VBAC . I have monthly ultrasounds because I am a high risk pregnancy (have epilepsy and taking lamictal- also did that with first pregnancy). Anyone, my most recent ultrasound said my AFI was a 22. I do not know what my levels where last time but no one mentioned I had polyhydromniosis until after delivery. My question to you is how likely is it that I will have prolapsed cord again? What should I do if water breaks at home? Last time was a very traumatic experience for me. Would you recommend I still attempt a VBAC or elect to do a RCS? Would appreciate your feedback.