Hi, In Sept 2, 2012 I had an CT scan and they found a Cyst on my left adrenal gland . On Sept 7, 2102 I had an ultrasound and it measured 3.8 cm. I am 6 months pregnant and I am having trouble with cramping, abdominal pain , back pains, fatigue , blood pressure drops and my heart beats faster. My regular Doctor wanted me to come back in 6 months to do another ultrasound and I did the cyst now measures 6.8 cm. I have seem a Urologist and we did blood work and 24 hour urine test. I am still waiting for the results. I also have to do another ultrasound on April 5th 2013. My questions are Can my pregnancy cause the cyst to grow? How Big can we let this cyst grow before removing it? Is it possible that the cyst is cause these issues ( My doctor keeps telling me its normal and its my ligaments stretching.)