My mother developed pulmonary toxicity after 3 rounds of Gemzar and Taxol. She is on a vapor o2 with at 25 liters with a FIO2 of 90 percent. She is getting decadron and vancomycin and azotrem. She desates to 76 with exertion. Chest xrays show no improvement after 5 days, she is in ICU. The pulmonologist want to decrease her decadron and move her to a step down. I asked where they saw improvement. The only answer I received is she is on a 90 fio2 instead of 100 percent. Respiratory treatment were not started until wed. She was admitted last Friday. Initially she was just treated with IVF and one antibiotic dose every 72 hours, as they thought she was just dehydrated. She started to crash on Monday at which time we were told she had pneumonia, not to worry. Finally a pulmonologist told us it was the pulmonary toxicity and not the typical pneumonia. Her BUN and Creatinine are good, so is her ejection fraction. The lung cancer is small at this time and would not cause any symptoms per the oncologist. I feel she has not had timely treatment and am concerned about the decrease in decadron without seeing improvement. I would like to get her to a university hospital and second opinion from a different pulmonologist