I seem to be getting a particular kind of rash quite frequently nowadays. It occurred last year in the summer for the first time. Now again, I have red dots which quickly multiply only on my chest (area under my neck and above breasts), nowhere else. Happened again 3 weeks ago, in a week they disappeared, my skin was ok for 5 days and they are back again. I was thinking if it could be heat connected but I have always lived in a hot country and this never appeared before. I live in England now and it is just not that hot. I had an appearance in the winter too but maybe once. SO I have no idea what it could be. The rash does not itch at all. In a day or two after the spots appear (they come out as flat red dots), then you can see like whitish/yellowish liquid inside of them. Takes ages to heal and then appear again. I can not wear suitable for the season clothes now as it looks disgusting and I hide it which makes it worse. If it is "sweat rash", why doesn't it ever itch at all? Plus, I don't really sweat, I always even wear less clothes than anyone else I am so so confused. Please, help. Thank you so much!