My son is 1 and 1/2 years old. He has had a runny nose for a week or so, and has sounded a little congested or rattling breathing at night. Just yesterday, the mucus from nose was GREEN, like lime green almost, and as of yesterday morning, his eyes were matted with the same lime green gunk. No Monday, bathed him, cleaned face and eyes extremely well, and when I picked him up from school, I could see that in the corners of his eyes was the green gunk coming back. As of 6pm last night...he felt slightly, a tiny bit warm...but still didn't stop from eating, drinking, or playing. Gave him bath and put to bed right before 9pm, and when I checked in on him a few hours later, I could see the gunk had already formed in corners of eyes and across eyelash/eyelids (he is sleeping). He woke up around 3am for something to drink, and I took a warm washcloth and cleaned eyes and nose........he is back to sleep now. Do I take him to doctor tomorrow or what meds do I give him?
Thanks.............please help?