severe acne problem may be due to reasons like
hormonal imbalances
polycystic ovaries(though your periods are regular
pcos may be present)
exposure to dust and pollution
so meet your doctor rule out the cause first
some good tips:
completely clear out your dandruff
take less fatty foods,
go for good diet and exercise
keep your skin away from pollution(use a scarf etc)
try to control cause of acne
frequent facewash as well as hand wash
stop fast foods seriously
have fresh fruits,green leafyveggies ,fruit juices
reduce spicy foods
dont scrub the area inorder to get rid of
pimples because it makes your pimples spread
dont squeeze them ,it leaves pores and dark patches
clear your pimples by following the above measures or meet a doctor...
once your pimples get cleared completely then only treatment of pores and black patches can be cleared succesfully .
this happens naturally after your pimples clear off or you may need medication also(
ointments like
melacare helps in clearing marks but this should be used after complete eradication of pimples)
remember dont go for facials when you have pimples it worsens the condition
natural remedies like neem leaf paste and tulsi paste application can help you with quick results
but when you apply anything on face check that it suits you and only when you are sure it is working go ahead with it
and also remember that when few creams are used initially acne gets worse but later it works very well so it is up to you to judge whether to continue or stop it
hope i answered your query
feel free to contact me for further queries
thank you