Thank you for posting your query.
Yes, you are correct,
encephalomalacia is regarding the brain. This is not an active disease, but suggests a remote problem in the brain. It is the damaged part of brain due to a disease, which has happened several months or years before. The common causes could be a brain
head injury or brain infections.
Encephalomalacia is not dangerous and is usually asymptomatic. In some cases, it can lead to seizures.
Usually, no treatment is required for encephalomalacia. If seizures occur, then, anti-epileptic drugs may be required. Definitely, no surgery is required for this.
I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information.
Wishing you good health,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
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