I woke up this morning, got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom, slowly I started shivering even though I did not feel nearly as cold and it progressed to become almost violent and uncontrollable. I went back to my room and wrapped myself in a blanket and tried to warm myself up. A couple of minutes later the shivering went away. I then went to take a shower and the shivering went away until when I was done and drying myself off, although it was not as uncontrollable or violent as before. I went and grabbed the blanket again and wrapped myself up and the shivering stopped. I went and ate a donut thinking that it might be low blood sugar (It is my first year at college living on my own and not all of my meals have consisted of the healthiest foods) so it might also be a dietary problem. I have been having frequent gas, abnormally compared to before I moved out of my parents house. After I ate I got dressed and put on a jacket to keep myself warm and went to class. Now it is 3 hours later and I have a pain in my lower back, I feel slightly weak, and my hands are a little shaky, but the shivering has gone away. I have slight acid reflux and ADHD , I take medicine for both, but since the shaking occured before I took it this morning I don t know if it is related.