About a week ago I was at a friends farm, I had 2 friends with me in a stall with a horse. I had one of them boost me up onto the horse, I was halfway on and halfway hanging off when the horse freaked out. The stall door was barely open enough for the horse to get out, but it bolted and I hit the metal stall door and fell to the ground as the horse ran off. I was limping and it impacted my shin pretty good. I was wearing jeans, and lifted them up and I had a big open wound on my leg that looked like a scratch. My leg swelled up. It didn't really bruise, because the impact was all in my shin. The cut is healing, at first it was oozing puss and looked like plastic around it, it's scabbed over somewhat now, and it has clearish dots in it from my hair follicles, it looks like plastic. It's not the cut that hurts though, it's my shin. The cut is at least four inches down my shin. My foot will fall asleep out of nowhere, and right after I stand up and walk on it a little but my bone will feel like its aching and I can't even stand on it, if I do I limp really bad. If it touch it in some spots it feels numb. I haven't gone to the doctor, I'm just curious what could've happened to my leg and if I should see a doctor..