im a 39yr old female,i just had a spinal fusion surgery on my back in December. in December I missed my period,january comes I get my period but its really heavy and then I started vomiting for 8 days straight when my period was over s were my symptoms, then febuary comes same thing I get my period and vomit for 8 days again,now march just before my period started I vomited for 8 days then my period started and I vomited for another few days . ive been hospitalized for dehydration 5 times since jan. before my back surgery I was on a high dose of morphine for pain but im off it now and have been for 6 weeks my dr thought it could be my receptors in my brain he also said I didn't have any of my own endorphins to fight pain so I need to work on building them back up.but even now my dr is confused by my symtoms and is now sending me for a colonoscopy ive already had an ultrasound that came back normal and blood work came back good to except my white cell count has been concistantly high since this started I believe my cell count was 13,000 . the er dr last night asked me if I use marijuana and I said I did for my pain cause I cant take pain killers so the er dr told me about a study being done called cannibanoid hyperemesis syndrome,never heard of it before but he's the only dr ive seen to mention it.