Hi my name is Nonda. Because of a Very bad stroke A real bad Stroke n 1999, I am not a very fast or great typist, because of this . now I am having trouble in my speech and thinking and memory problem. I am having falling spells and no Dr. can figure out why. I also have Sever Fibermyaligia. in 1999 I died 3 times, I exasperated at home when the EMT go her i was blue, go met back, then on the way to the hospital again, and when I arrived at the hospital. my Kidneys Failed and i was on dialysis. , The in a coma for 4 weeks. Dr., ask husband to pull the plug, but he couldn't so here I am.. 7 months ago I had A Total Knee Replacement
The surgery came out Knee wise well Home health had to come here and work with me. But I now have had and before Pain in my back and Butt, I have Bursitis I am on disability and can not afford to pay you at all my other Dr. of my co pay of $25.00 so many times a month. So do we need to stop now. To get help??Well I have been going to Slocum Otho.And Dr, Philips, He gave me shots in my back and Butt They worked for a little while, then I had them again. the had surgery for my keep I have been having sever pain for such a long time on my left side of my bod, Shooting down my leg and the legs / mostly my left leg and foot and Pain meds do work. I have serve Angzity and depression. My stomach and the pain is in my shoulders and arms. So finally Dr. Marc who works with Dr, Phillips w at the Nero Spine Clinic. Said it is time for so It 's time do do some MRI's @ Upper and lower. THE HEAD ACES AND SHOULDERS AND Arms which came out really good. THAT DOESN'T HELP ME Cause Research has been done My Nero Dr. Dr Fitzgerald. Did the Cat can, They just showed the same as before, with another on in 2009. but no good come out of that because no one does the reach, I died from having bronchitis, that went in to Whooping cough. There for No one will Research the problems
my problems, back to the cough. Dr. Schepergerdes. My Primary Dr. Gave me I ran out so Dr,. on call gave me "Hycomine" , that gave me sever headaches and with the whopping cough mad them worse so I too Tyonal. Well The mixture made me sicker and I took more cough med to stop the coughing cause the pounding was so bad.I didn't even thin of taking my Fibermyaliga med or my other med at all, but when EMT, came they took all my meds and so the called t a Pharmacital Overdose."so now i have that under my belt. When i got out of the hospital i of course had to learn how do do every thing over again. Back to my problem now is short term memory lost ,Tridive Delex , That was from not the cough med but from Premine meds. I had to got to OSU Hospital and they verity this. But not telling me what to do,. That goodness my older researched the twitching and
clearing of my throat. now, Oh Dr. Veramonte, put a Stern in my stomach to is if that would stop the swelling. it didn't for long. But it is safe there and doing what ever it does. Mow my upper MRI came out great but why do I all off a sudden have these bad headaches and shoulder pain and recently do my arms both shooting down, my arms. Ok. Are you read for your ??? Sorry this is taking so long..Thanks So much for listing. Oh I have been to Pain Clinics, not much prevail. I have been sick all my life. I'm getting tired. of it all. But I believe in god and he saved me for a reason..Right?? MRI is mostly reporting on my right side, my pain is on my feft. like now I took my meds at 12, and my left leg is killing me. I have to walk with a walker . I even fall with the walker it is weird I can just be standing and i just drop. for no reason. i feel nothing before. I have ask other people who have seen me fall and said I am just find and just fall. last bad fall was Christmas Eve??? ok back again. L1-L2 mild anterior osteopathic spurring, but No central or forqminal setenosis.Noticed. L-3 L-4 There is a diffuse disk bulge at this level. No central foraminal stenos is is identified within sac at the central aspect, there is a nonspecific area of what appears ti be nerve root ticking and clumping. This is difficult to visual due to my size. I am little, but have had so much stuff done and I can't really exercise.The habit is a large view used for this imaging. L-4 L-5 Mild facet arthrosis is identified this level. No central ot foraminal is identified. L-5_ S1 Mild arthrosus is undetifed at this level. Non central or foraminal steno sis is identied. Impression: No specific clumping and thinking of probably nerve roots
spanning across the L3-L4 Level. Alternatively this could be an intradural mass. I would repeat the MRI with contrast and repeating a sagittal T2 sequence using a smaller field of view for netter characterization of this area. Mild multilevel lumbar spondylosis is described above. I have had a lump in my stomach for months or maybe a year on my right sight, and I keep bring it up to my General Dr. who knows ,e so well, I even go to his stomach and say it is here but he doesn't order any other test I have had Ultra sounds and have had the Tect go over the area because it hurts when he rushes on it , but when I just barely push on it it hurts a lot and if I lay sideways it is deep. I had a Total Hysterectomy to. and it got infected, so the Dr,, had a specialist doctor do Exploratory surgery, and cut my wide opened and I had to heal from the inside out for a year and a half. It was so painful the Dr. that did the Hysterectomy had to give my FeamaBarabaratal for the pain just to take out the gauges and put back in, He swore if this ever happened to another pt. he would drop his practice. And he was Head of the OBGYN, in the town. The other Dr. Moved out of state right after the surge , of the lap, that surgery got infected. So Then I had To go to the pain Clinic for a year. I have bad scar Tissue which I had to have massage therapist do deep acute pressure, and it was like a alien in my stomach. I am little only 4"10, size 4 shoe. But being short all my weigh is in the middle I have thin legs and arms My boos have dropped I can't have sex because it is to painful , Because of scar tissue. So my marriage if falling apart and I am to. My oldest son is my care taker, My husband is on a Drop bucket list after having Triple bypass, after he had Diverticulitis. He thinks he is going to die soon, So he started playing Fiddle, So he goes jamming with the group. My son 40 has a very rare muscle disease, No dr. can't help him. UCLA and Kaiser did a muscle study on him and had never hear or seen anything like it. So My Dr, at the Nero spine Institute Is sending me to a Back Surgeon.I have been in the medical field all my life. I even owned my own business helping the Disabled and Senior Family Future Planing. But The Fibermyalgia got the better of me. Now one thing after a nether. I have been falling Drop falling I call it for years now like15 years. on and off but the last 9 year a lot . The top of my knee surgery stings, swells and shooting pain down my leg. and the thigh feels paralyze just to get up from sitting I can't walk right .That'senough. Thanks so very much.When I do fall now I am pined down like Jesus on the cross I can not get up. I am total paralyzed. and can't move i have to drag my legs to try and get up. . It is just terrible, I did get a trike and went riding with my husband about 2 years ago, then I feel in the street on a trike , thank goodness a the man was stronger than my grandson could get me up and home. Thank you so much for all your time and understanding. I really appreciate it. May God Bless you for caring and helping.Doctors don't have the time or help to research this stuff. You will email me with you advice on what to do?? Yes?? Sorry it took so long. Thanks again..Sorry I can't pay you. We don't even have $ for the right food to eat. My husband works but more money going out then in we have 2 mortgages, have filed bankruptcy 3 times,in the past do to medical bills. Now look what the government is going to do to us?? Cut Medicare, They can't do that!!.