yes this looks like
it is very important to take her to
neurologist and find the cause of it.
there are different type of epilepsy, this is a generalized
convulsion what i suggest is when she gets an attack next time you observe if possible take a small video during the convulsion for your mobile and show it to neurologist. this way he will know which kind of convulsion it is.and this should be done after you have taken all precaution and called for an ambulance .
precaution or
first aid for epilepsy -
-first call an ambulance then put patient on the side, preferably left side
- do not put anything in the mouth
- never try to give water in mouth when she is not conscious
- try to clear her mouth of any food or saliva or foam.
- make sure she does not fall from bed
- do not hold her tightly to stop convulsion , it can
fracture her bone.
if these precaution are taken she will be safe during the attack, neurologist will guide you further
thank you