Hello, mghdpe,
I can understand how anxious you might be , trying to deal with
problems that you have. GERD symptoms can vary in different
individuals. Eventhough the typical symptom is "Heartburn" , there
are lots of other what we call extra esophageal symptoms.
These include
sore throat, recurrent sinus infections,
chronic cough, especially at nights ,
sleep apnea , weight gain
and anxiety etc.
If you have complications from GERD with damage to the lining
of the lower
esophagus , you can have ulcers, scarring or stricture
and have difficulty swallowing and sometimes bleeding. There is
also a pre-cancerous condition called "Barrett's esophagu" which
results from long term exposure to acid and changing of the lining.
I am mentioning all these to point out the importance of control
of acidity.
Esomeprazole is an effective drug if taken appropriately and regularly.
Make sure you take the medicine one to one half hour before you have
your main meal. Don't eat close to bed time and make sure you are
upright for at least two to three hours after your last meal.
Unfortunately , grilled cheese and cheese quesadilla makes your
stomach produce more acid because of the calcium the cheese contains.
Milk products , all have calcium and if taken in excess can give you
more reflux. Try to avoid very spicy food. Excess caffeine.
I am sure that you don't drink alcohol or smoke tobacco.
If you stay on the medicine and follow diet for about 8 weeks , you
should heal well even if you have ulcers of the lower esophagus.
If you continue to have problems, you need to have an upper
endoscopy where the specialist can look in and take biopsies if needed.
I wish you the very best.