Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
As you mentioned in your query that there are false stool motion. excess gas passing
Since last 30 years passed and still , problem is as such.
In Indian peoples there is a habit that in any condition ,they have to pass stool early in the morning whether there is desire of defecation or not.
If pressure is full they can pass stool, if pressure is not full , they will try to pass forcibly by strain.
This is a bad habit ,and this is the root cause of your trouble.
Mild degree of
gastritis is there as you have tension and
Excessive gas formation is due to stress , tension.
High protein diet also develops gas and excess of fart is there.
Due to gas there are
bloating, fart ,
restlessness, tension, fatigue.
So change your nature and habit and you will be alright.
Avoid protein ( in excess),garlic,onion,fried food, tension,stress.
Hope I have answered your question.
Good luck.